
i miss my creativity. simple joys. laughter. wanting to dance and skip through my days. come back, full life!

i was wondering the other day what color my life would be... an earthy brown? a pale green? a dull grey? pastel pink? maybe those colors are good for others, but i don't want a life that is dull or fake... i long for a life that is bright blue or even purple. a life that is bright, that is vibrant. i want it to be like when you get a new box of crayons and you don't know what to draw yet, but you have to take out the brightest colors and scribble them across the page just to see the colors. a color in motion, a color of life and dancing and playfulness and joy.

mmm... and good things this summer, even this week. lots of family. mummify the graduate (in school colors, of course). chicago and art and dancing in grant park. skiing on the river. aida. a lightning storm of God's power and beauty, reminding me that He is capable of change, even in this hopeless world. good conversations and reconnecting with an old friend, who has blossomed, as i guess we all have through college. reflections of fireworks in the lake on a beautiful night along with a beautiful cloudy sky and rippling water and much laughter and love.
...life is better upon reflection.