
thoughts from sankofa-
it seems so many times that when we speak about justice issues, action enters the conversation. justice cannot be a reality unless we act - unless we know the right ways to act & overturn unjust institutions. in making these plans to act and deciding how we will act to overturn injustice in the future, though, the topic of the Spirit is often forgotten. it seems that if we wait for the Spirit, we are refusing to act now or are accused of being afraid. it is true that working towards justice in neither optional in Christianity nor solely a call to which some Christians are not given a passion for, but there still must be guidance by the Spirit in how and where to act. if we decide to act "for" God without His guidance, we will be working with human- sized tasks. if, instead, our actions toward justice are founded on a specific and explicit direction from God - led by God & designed by Him & covered in His Spirit- even if it seems ridiculous or impossible - He will show up and do His will and the success will be more than we can imagine.

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