
...my prayers and thoughts on the truth and beauty of real, honest, unashamed living in brokenness...

God, this is life, this is real. You don't prevent bad things from happening to us, but You walk with us through them. Thank You that we can be a mess! Life isn't perfect, it is a struggle, but You comfort us and teach us and guide us through it. You promise to always stand by us and hold us by the hand. This is You, the Real God- not the God of perfect people who have it all together, but the God of people who are a mess - who are real and broken and vulnerable and lay it all out there.

You are God most loving, most real, and most raw in our brokenness and humanness. No, we don't have it all figured out, but that's okay. You still love us more than is imaginable. In our mistakes, unworthiness, brokenness, sorrow, and loss. You do the impossible of bringing joy out of even the greatest depths of pan. You stand by us always, defend us, and tell us we are Yours. You teach us, guide us, grow us, allow us to know Your glory. You are faithful even in our complete unfaithfulness. You carry us out. You know us as noone else can, and You know our deepest secrets we are afraid to tell. You are beautiful, good, awesome, gentle God.

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