
live frugally on surprise (my version)

washing dishes in the kitchen after a successful house meeting,
listening to nickel creek, i think,
"this is what life is about."
just taking joy in the small things, seeing beauty in
the people around me and the little actions
that make up everyday life.

i am incomparably happy, and i find
excessive happiness in each day.
the weather helps.
but mostly it's people
and trees
and poems.

i am glad to live fully,
being completely present,
desiring no more than
my daily bread
(and of course God's Kingdom on earth).

and there is nowhere else i'd rather be,
although perhaps there are people i wish could share life with me-
especially my sister
and women who are like sisters
and many who i don't know yet but share my dreams and visions and
frame of mind.

because it really is a great place,
this city where i now live-
ripe and longing for community
and new life
and you.

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